A square, graphic image with three blocks of color in blue, light orange, and dark orange. The text underneath reads "Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change our World".

Let's Pick Up Litter!

NAME | Everett


LOCATION | Ashfield, Massachussetts


Everett, 3rd grade, of Ashfield, Massachusetts is starting a community clean-up project to encourage collective action in picking up trash, to raise awareness about the negative impact of littering, and to safeguard local animals and the surrounding environment.


After learning about the negative impacts of pollution, Everett noticed the growing issue of litter in his own community. Everett is inspired to take action and is launching a communitywide clean-up project to collect trash and to motivate others to stop littering. Everett wants to focus on working with his soccer team and other teams in the league to get more people excited about this project. He intends to encourage teams to pick up litter, then to hold an art competition using some of the litter for projects, and to create a celebration for participants and the wider community with the help of local businesses. Everett wants this to be a fun and inviting community event. 

I want to solve the problem of litter because it's bad for animals, the Earth, birds, sea animals, and pollution in the water is bad for people. I discovered this problem by driving around my town. I also felt sad when I saw movies about plastic in the sea. It made me want to stop litter.   

My solution is that I would organize the soccer teams in my league to pick up litter after practices. I would also oragnize a large litter pick up event in our area. At the litter pick up there would be hot cocoa, treats and a competition to make art projects out of litter. I would also donate high visibility vests and litter pickers to the libraries around here so people can more easily pick up litter any time. We have a lot of poison ivy around here, so the litter pickers would help and the vests would keep people safe.     

  1. Talk to soccer teams to get them to start picking up litter.  
  2. Get litter pickers and safety vests before the big event. 
  3. Organize a big litter pick up event and make flyers. 

I will get my soccer team to help me by earning ice cream coupons and showing them that picking up litter is fun. I will ask people to help me make comics, flyers or whatever else they like to do to make it fun for them.