A blue circular badge in Prudential Emerging Visionaries dark blue. The Prudential Logo is across the top. The badge reads "Emerging Visionaries" in large block text. Below it reads "Societal Solution Winner"

Anjani Sharma

AGE | 17

LOCATION | Rockledge, Florida

PROJECT | Minds without B0rders

Sectors: Economic EquityRacial EquityHealthLongevity & AgingWellbeingYoung Changemaking Other


Anjani Sharma, 17, of Rockledge, Florida, created “Minds Without B0rders,” a youth-led initiative that works to reduce stigma and normalize conversations around mental health, mobilizing students to engage stakeholders and advocate for policies that increase mental health support systems. “Minds Without B0rders” utilizes blogs, podcasts and digital campaigns to encourage open discussion and provide pathways for mental health support, specifically focused on underserved communities. 


Through the pandemic, Anjani turned to writing when she noticed that “there was no proper outlet for young people to express their mental health struggles or find appropriate help.” After publishing a few blog posts about mental health challenges and interviewing mental health professionals, many young people reached out to join her work of making mental health discussions open and destigmatized. The organization operates chapters in 24 states and 18 countries.

Let’s rewind to the summer of 2019. Visiting family in India, I was shocked to hear from my cousin about a suicide case at his local college. The idea that shocked me was how stigmatized it was to talk about why it happened and the battles of mental health. I soon learned that this was a universal challenge. Mental health is stigmatized in most communites which essentially creates barriers for many people to get access. I also learned about how many socioeconomic barriers there were. Fast forward to April of 2020. The pandemic arose and more and more people were expressing issues surrounding mental health: especially the youth. From college campuses to high schools, more and more people in the U.S. talked about mental health struggles. I saw that there was no proper outlet for young people to express their mental health struggles or find appropriate help.

 And so I turned to writing. I began publishing blogs called “Minds Without B0rders” in the hopes that my words might spread some sort of awareness. I wrote blogs, interviewed real people with struggles, chatted with mental health professionals, and most importantly found a passion for making a change.  To my surprise, people began noticing Minds Without B0rders and asked to join the cause. We soon grew into something greater than I could have ever imagined: a global community of changemakers advocating for a global cause.

Minds Without B0rders confronts global mental health stigma, particularly for those facing geographical, economic, and racial barriers. This stigma hinders open discussions and help-seeking, making inclusivity vital for better mental health outcomes, especially in marginalized communities. Recognizing that mental health is fundamental for overall well-being, our mission extends to enabling individuals to secure employment, support families, and contribute significantly to their communities. Lived experiences, professionals, educators, and policymakers actively shape our community-centric approach. Their diverse perspectives and expertise ensure initiatives resonate with those facing barriers in accessing mental health support, fostering a collaborative environment for positive change. Through blogs, podcasts, and targeted campaigns, we normalize conversations surrounding mental health, challenging prevailing stigmas. Our chapters in 24 U.S. states, 18 countries, and online platforms create local communities where open dialogue thrives. Advocacy efforts involve collaborating with stakeholders to push for improved mental health support in educational institutions, communities, and colleges. Partnering with hospitals, we provide free mental health services to help. Our fundraising endeavors empower mental health centers, enhancing their capacity to serve those in need.

Minds Without B0rders pioneers a unique approach to combat global mental health stigma. We employ diverse mediums—blogs, podcasts, and digital campaigns—to normalize mental health conversations, and challenge stigmas. This accessible outreach is distinct from clinical settings, ensuring inclusivity. Establishing chapters in 24 U.S. states, 18 countries, and online fosters micro-communities for open dialogue.  This local presence also allows us to tailor our initiatives to the unique needs of each community, ensuring that our impact is both widespread and deeply impactful.

Advocacy is key. Engaging stakeholders, from educators to legislators, we tirelessly advocate for policies enhancing mental health support. This proactive stance towards systemic transformation sets us apart. Pro bono services, in partnership with hospitals, eliminate financial barriers to quality care, addressing a critical gap in mental health access. This ensures support is truly accessible to all. Our fundraising efforts serve dual purposes—providing essential financial support to local mental health centers and engaging the community in our mission.  By leveraging these diverse strategies, we create a comprehensive approach, addressing the unique challenges individuals face in seeking mental health support. This ensures our impact is both far-reaching and deeply transformative.

Minds Without B0rders has been designed for success, emphasizing team diversity and strategic planning. Our team comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds, including those with lived experiences, mental health professionals, educators, and policymakers. We've set clear, measurable goals for both the short and long term, providing a roadmap for progress. These objectives encompass expanding our global network, hosting impactful events, and advocating for policy changes that enhance mental health support in various settings. Anticipating the potential impact of our idea, we envision a transformative shift in how society perceives and addresses mental health. By normalizing conversations and challenging stigmas, we aim to foster a more open, inclusive, and supportive environment for individuals facing mental health challenges. Our advocacy efforts target policy changes that will improve mental health support in educational institutions, communities, and colleges.

Minds Without B0rders has made a significant difference. Through social media campaigns, we've reached millions, sparking crucial conversations and breaking down barriers. Our pro bono mental health services have provided vital support to communities that need help. Our initiatives have already begun to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide and we hope to make more.

I'm proud of how Minds Without B0rders has sparked a global movement to address mental health stigma. By strategically recruiting young advocates worldwide, we've mobilized a network of passionate individuals. From students in 24 states to those in war-torn areas and rural parts of India, we've united people from vastly different backgrounds, all driven by a shared commitment to better mental health access. This diverse network has not only been instrumental in spreading awareness but has also inspired local initiatives and solutions. By empowering individuals with a personal connection to the cause, they've become changemakers in their own right, driving positive change in their respective communities. Our approach has not only inspired action but has also fostered a sense of ownership and empowerment among those directly affected by mental health challenges. By giving them a platform to share their experiences and advocate for change, we've seen individuals transform into passionate advocates for better mental health access.  Witnessing individuals channel their passion into tangible advocacy work underscores the power of grassroots initiatives. It's heartening to know that we've cultivated a community of over 2,500 individuals worldwide, all dedicated to breaking down barriers surrounding mental health. Together, we're making a meaningful impact, one community at a time.