A square, graphic image with three blocks of color in blue, light orange, and dark orange. The text underneath reads "Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change our World".

Garden Time

NAME | Knox


LOCATION | Fort Pierce, Florida


Knox, 3rd grade, of Fort Pierce, Florida is the founder of “Garden Time,” a school and community gardening project aimed at educating students on nutritional health, teaching sustainable gardening practices, and fostering the growth of home gardens throughout the community.  


Growing up with a grandmother who shared his love of gardening, Knox has learned to appreciate the benefits of a garden – including independence, sustainability, and a healthy diet. Now, Knox plans to share this appreciation and knowledge of gardening with his classmates through “Garden Time,” a donation-driven school initiative that leverages the experience of local gardeners and supplies his classmates with the skills and resources to cultivate a garden of their own.

I noticed that when we need food we rely on our parents to buy it for us. I also see are eating too much unhealthy food like chips and cookies. Why do we do this? Because it is easy! People think eating healthy food is expensive and hard to do. 

Well, gardening can be easy and nearly free if you learn how to do it! I want to start a garden at my school, so I can learn to garden and teach the other kids. We can start simple. Once we learn how to grow simple crops then the kids can go home and start gardens at their homes. Then they will have fresh fruits and vegetables at home. 

My idea is to get donations for supplies to start a garden at school. We already have the perfect space that is cleaned out and ready to go. I can ask teachers at the school to help too! Maybe a different class can water the garden everyday! We have lots of classes.   

My Grammy loves to garden and she will help us too! We can plant special flowers to attract the bees to help with pollination. 

1. Collect supplies from donations: soil, various plant seeds, watering can, fertilizer, garden tools, pots.   

2. Draw out plans for garden. Map plants. 

3. Ask for volunteers to help start the garden. 

4. Make a schedule with the teachers and classes to maintain the garden. 

My team includes myself, my mom, my sister (Sloane), my Grammy, and my Dad. They will help with whatever I need.