
What children, truckers, and superheroes all have in common.

What do a group of school children, truckers, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner from Bangladesh all have in common? Each is a changemaker - part of a growing movement that demonstrates how anyone, young or old, can make a difference from anywhere in the world.

Changemaking is a growing trend. There are now more than 170 schools and 28,000 organizations around the world that are dedicated to changemaking. But the growing movement begs an important question: what exactly is a changemaker?There is a need for a common definition for “changemaker” so that it is easier to build shared community, create resources that can help anyone become a changemaker, and measure progress towards nurturing and inspiring others.

Some of us at Ashoka, an organization whose mission is to create an Everyone a Changemaker world, set out to discover what it takes to be a changemaker. In this publication, you have the chance to explore the six types of changemakers - social architect, influencer, investors, skills catalyzers, inventor, connector - the changemaking pathways, the four levels of social impact and much more! 

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