A square, graphic image with three blocks of color in blue, light orange, and dark orange. The text underneath reads "Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change our World".


NAME | Jayleen


LOCATION | Los Angeles, California


Jayleen, 6th grade, of Los Angeles, California leads a schoolwide effort to increase access to affordable school uniforms and establish a sustainable model of donated uniforms for students in need.


Jayleen has seen how the cost of uniforms in her school has caused anxiety and insecurity for students struggling to afford or ask for a uniform. She says, “the problem was that most kids at school can't afford the uniform, and now kids are too embarrassed to ask for a uniform.” Jayleen aims to break this stigma by building a system where a surplus of outgrown and donated uniforms can be shared with students for free. She is collaborating with her classmates to generate awareness and interest in the campaign, begin accepting donations, and launch this schoolwide initiative. 

The problem was that most kids at New Heights charter school can't afford the uniform, and now kids are too embarrassed to ask for a uniform. This is important to me because I want the students in my class and in the school to have what they need like uniforms to wear. This is also important to me because I know how the students in our school face not having enough to afford a uniform for proper clothing for school.

My solution for this problem is to start a plan where if students outgrow their uniforms they can donate their uniforms to our school. We can donate them to the school so the kids can have uniforms that are donated and free. Now students can get free uniforms from the office any time. Students no longer have to ask for a pair of uniforms because other students had donated for other students to have proper clothing for school for the ones in need.

Step 1: First I would ask our Executive Director to see if she agrees with my idea. 

Step 2: Second I will talk with my team to see if they agree with my plan for the students. 

Step 3: Then when me and my team will start to plan stuff so we can start knocking on each classroom and give a presentation about donating uniforms.

My classmates and teachers agreed to help me with my project