A square, graphic image with three blocks of color in blue, light orange, and dark orange. The text underneath reads "Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change our World".

Truth Unchained

NAME | Katelynn Nguyen

GRADE | 10

LOCATION | San Jose, California


Katelynn Nguyen, a 10th grader in San Jose, California, co-founded Truth Unchained, an organization fighting to end human trafficking through raising awareness, executing targeted interventions, and advocating for the health of survivors. By empowering youth through teaching, Truth Unchained aims to create a generation equipped to recognize and prevent exploitation before the situation arises. She was inspired to act after learning that “Every year, between 600,000 to 800,000 people fall victim to trafficking, with a majority—70%—being female, and an alarming 50% comprising innocent children,” she said. 


Next, Truth Unchained will be organizing in-person educational sessions with elementary and middle schools, guiding them on how to identify human trafficking and hosting online seminars for schools. She is currently working with her co-founder to research the specific challenges faced within their target community, identifying gaps in awareness concerning human trafficking, and applying for grants to kickstart their foundation.

Truth Unchained actively raises awareness and fights against human trafficking, aiming to inform the youth before it becomes too late. I first discovered the problem after stumbling across drastic statistics. Every year, between 600,000 to 800,000 people fall victim to trafficking, with a majority—70%—being female, and an alarming 50% comprising innocent children. Falling directly under the target demographic, my co-founder and I were inspired to initiate Truth Unchained and inform other individuals of the impacts of human trafficking. While a large percent of victims are underage, I discovered that there was a lack of initiatives that solely worked with helping kids understand the dire situation and life-threatening dangers. Moreover, human trafficking leaves both physical and psychological trauma, making reintegration into society an arduous journey. By equally advocating for comprehensive support systems and rehabilitation measures for survivors, we are acknowledging the complexities of their journey toward recovery. IMillions of humans are being sold into modern-day slavery, and our collective silence would only perpetuate their suffering. Our mission’s urgency lies not solely in the statistics but in the lives and stories behind each number – a fight for the very essence of humanity. 

In the face of child trafficking, our organization takes a unique stance by centering its efforts through a youth-centric approach. Our multifaceted solution encompasses proactive awareness campaigns, targeted interventions, and advocacy for the health of survivors. 

Truth Unchained has plans to organize in-person educational sessions with elementary and middle schools across the Bay Area, guiding them on how to identify human trafficking. Our organization will also arrange online seminars for schools across the United States, eventually expanding globally. By empowering the youth through teaching, we aim to create a generation equipped to recognize and prevent exploitation before the situation arises. With the funding raised, Truth Unchained uses it for its main pillars: educating youth around the world, raising money/advocating for affected individuals, and continuing our project’s expansion. California has consistently had the highest number of human trafficking cases in the past decade, and collaborating with our local legislators, we hope to speak on even larger, impactful stages. In the foreseeable future, our goals are to fund research projects (on understanding factors contributing to trafficking in developing countries) and expand our projects in-person globally. With your support, we aspire to build a future where humanity is free from the chains of exploitation.

Currently, our team is researching daily to discern the specific challenges faced within our target community, identifying gaps in awareness concerning human trafficking. We are continually applying for grants to kickstart our foundation. Our next steps are as follows: 

  1. Launch: We are developing the first couple weeks of content, website, and aim to launch soon—sharing vital resources such as danger signs to look for, accessible community support, and the overall significance of human trafficking in today's world. Post-launch, we plan to maintain regular engagement with our audience, sharing weekly content to sustain credibility.   
  2. Educate: Truth Unchained will carry out educational programs tailored for youth. Through partnerships with schools, we plan to teach in-person workshops and awareness campaigns for understanding and vigilance against human trafficking. We seek to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to identify, prevent, and respond to instances of trafficking. 
  3. Collaborate: Recognizing the strength in unity, we will be proactively reaching out to local organizations, law enforcement agencies, and community leaders. These collaborations will enable us to utilize collective expertise, resources, and networks, amplifying the impact of our initiatives. 

As one of two co-founders of Truth Unchained, I kickstarted the idea with my partner, as young women who shared a common passion to fight human trafficking. Coming from immigrant families in developing countries, we saw the sheer devastation that was rampant in our home countries, Vietnam and India, and found it all across the globe as well.   

As Co-Executive Director in Strategies and Operations, I develop and implement the organization's strategic vision and goals in the fight against human trafficking. My partner, Co-Executive Director in Programs and Community Engagement, is responsible for collaboratively leading the development and execution of effective programs, covering prevention, intervention, and survivor support.   

Soon, we expect to expand our board to 7-12 members. Some chairs include, but are not limited to: public relations, IT manager, finance analyst, community outreach, event coordinator, etc. To incorporate more youth voices in our board, we’ve created interest forms and will occasionally hold applications on our media pages. We are especially open to passionate students nationwide, and eventually globally, as we value having diverse culture with multiple perspectives. Together, we strive to build a global network of dedicated individuals combating human trafficking daily.