Sydnie Collins


Project: Perfect Timing

Sydnie Collins, 18, of La Plata, Maryland, is the founder of “Perfect Timing,” an international podcast that promotes youth positivity by giving young people the space to celebrate their achievements and combat mental health stigmas.  

The goal of “Perfect Timing” is to build confidence among young people and give them a safe space to share their stories. Sydnie invites young role models onto the show who are using their platforms to motivate, raise awareness or educate others. “Exposing these changemakers to my audience will not only show them who they can be, but also empower them to use their voices in a way that uplifts their own communities,” she says. Since its launch, 109 episodes have been released. 

AGE: 18

LOCATION: La Plata, Maryland


Planet & Climate, Tech & Humanity, Education, Health, Entrepreneurship, Economic/Financial Empowerment, Youth, Arts & Culture, Equity & Inclusion, Civic Engagement

I’ve always been a believer in creating what you don’t see and my dedication to initiate change and supporting equality is the legacy that I will continue to build for myself and others every day. I am on the grounds in and out of school getting into “good trouble” as the late John Lewis said to enact and inspire change. As a social entrepreneur, purpose-driven influencer, and the Founder/CEO of The Perfect Timing Organization and Live Your Future Educated – LYFE, I saw the growing negativity within the black and brown communities. My mental health was at risk when I found myself struggling to find motivation and inspiration to keep going with my goals. Just like many other children and teens who are dealing with depression, anxiety, and stress, we needed a safe place to talk about our challenges, achievements, and initiatives, while fighting the stigma society believes about mental illnesses and social negativity. 

The belief that Gen Z doesn’t care about our futures, that we are sensitive or weak, and that we focus on the wrong things are only a few misconceptions that I’m trying to correct. Growing up as a student who was smart enough to ace her Spanish quizzes, but complacent enough to devalue her own potential, I know what it feels like to think your voice is worthless. I didn’t have the confidence to break out of my shell and speak on what my true interests are or what concerns me most. It took a lot of self-evaluation and soul-searching for me to learn that my voice holds power and that it matters. My voice has the power to change minds, inspire, and educate anyone if I choose to. When the pandemic hit, the fear of the unknown, anxiety, and depression hit me like a wave, and I considered other kids/teens who may have been feeling the same way. Through my international podcast, I team up with young inspiring role models who are using their platforms to create awareness, motivate, educate, empower, and lead a new generation that will change our future for the better. Exposing these changemakers to my audience will not only show them who they can be, but also empower them to use their voices in a way that uplifts their own communities. 

Since my main goals through my podcast are to uplift my community and expose them to the experiences, or work, that my guests have had. I specifically curate an environment filled with youth led businesses or organizations because if my audience can see who they can become, their dreams and aspirations become tangible. For example, I invited Kayli Joy, founder of Girl Well and also a recipient of Prudential Emerging Visionaries, on my podcast as her organization focuses on self-care being accessible to underserved girls in their communities. She is living proof, like myself, of using her voice to share that passion with the world; which is the same idea I push my listeners to pursue: using their voices to act on their dreams. Another trailblazer I’ve had on my podcast is Alena Analeigh, the youngest African American girl to be accepted into Med School at just 13 years old! She is a pre-med student, was an intern for NASA, and speaks out on her own platform, The Brown STEM Girl Foundation. What I love most about Alena and her work is her ability to defy the narratives people place on young kids by doing what she does best with science, while still being a kid and staying true to herself. With just these two examples of girls from Gen Z who are pouring their hearts into their communities, we are continuing to defeat the misconceptions of the power Gen Z really has. 

I surround myself with people who are focus-driven and managing their time to educate and grow, while also learning from my mistakes. I had to understanding that you must start somewhere and take risks. Being disciplined, patient, passionate and setting standards will create opportunities for me to expand my brand. I am an instrument of change to my peers by providing therapeutic youth-led conversations without cutting corners. I want to influence the world in a good way by filling the gap that represents me. I had to learn to be uncomfortable so that I could grow even if it meant I was doing it alone. Creating a ripple of kindness through storytelling that spreads to communities and across the globe is how I am setting my project up for success. I am collaborating with sponsors to help me purchase the equipment and seeking training that will improve my abilities as a host. My willingness to listen is a huge reason for why Perfect Timing Podcast has been a success. I am continuing to learn from mentors, educators and visionaries to expand my mission and vision globally. To date, 109 episodes have been released on the International Platform – iHeart Radio, Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcast and Elite Conversations Life Talk Radio. I am truly amazed by God’s creation and how he is using me to empower and uplift others. 

As a young African American girl with an international podcast, I don’t see many teens like me who are doing what I do. Since I am a believer in filling the gap that represents me, my platform has touched the minds of my listeners in a positive way. I chose to be honest on the mic by going to a vulnerable place to open up about my mental health on my first solo episode. The feedback I received was monumental, and it showed me how my work was truly affecting those around me. Because of my authenticity, my audience was able to relate to my experiences and feelings I thought I was alone in. From that, some of my listeners shared with me how my story encouraged them to open up about something they’ve been struggling with. Gen Z is shaking the earth with our ability to look at reality and face it head on. We are honest about the tears we’ve shed instead of swallowing the trauma that millennials were forced to do. Beyond that, my podcast as a whole inspired my peer at school to start a podcast club where he is offering a seat at the table to the students in our community. He shared with me how my podcast motivated him to be a leader by starting this club, and I’m in awe of how my work impacted him to be better.