Ambition Accelerator Summit

Meet the 2024 Taco Bell Ambition Accelerator Semi-Finalists!

Women Financial Literacy


Submitted by: Pooja A. (Taco Bell Team Member)  

Location:  Delhi | India

Project description: The "Women Financial Literacy" project is dedicated to enhancing the financial knowledge for women aged 15-35. Focusing on crucial financial skills such as saving, investing, and understanding financial rights, this initiative addresses a critical gap in financial understanding, and helps women make informed decisions for their personal and family well-being. To date, the “Women Financial Literacy” project has identified their community’s key educational needs and has outlined action steps that include offering free and accessible educational workshops, developing a comprehensive online learning platform, and forming partnerships with NGOs and financial institutions to maximize reach and impact.


वंचित बच्चों को शिक्षा सहायता, प्रवेश परीक्षा की तैयारी, रोल मॉडल विकास, ड्रॉपआउट दर कम करना।


Submitted by: Rumi P.  

Location: Kishanganj, Bihar | India 

Project description: वंचित बच्चों को शिक्षा सहायता, प्रवेश परीक्षा की तैयारी, रोल मॉडल विकास, ड्रॉपआउट दर कम करना। (meaning: Education Support for Underprivileged Children, Entrance Exam Preparation, Role Model Development, Dropout Rate Reduction) works to advance access to equitable education in Bihar, India with a focus on supporting young people from rural areas. Through partnering with local families and communities, this initiative aims to promote social upliftment through education.